Shade Appointments
At ADT we offer two types of appointments: Shade Evaluation and Custom Color
Shade Evaluations are brief 20 min appointments where we meet the patient to evaluate the shade, take photographs, and take detailed notes and drawings of the shade before fabricating the crown or veneer.
Custom Colors are longer appointments after the crown has been finished and tried in by the dentist. If you or the patient deem the shade less than perfect please send the patient to our lab for a custom color appointment, where we modify the restoration’s shade with the patient in chair for a perfect and natural looking shade match. We allow a 2-hour window for each appointment. However, in the rare case that 2 hours are not enough we will take as long as we need until the patient is satisfied.
We highly recommend sending the patient in for a Shade Evaluation first. Shade Evaluation appointments are a fraction of the cost and time needed for Custom Color appointments. In most cases we will not need the patient to visit again for a Custom Color appointment. If the shade is not perfect after a Shade Evaluation appointment, the Custom Color appointment will be on us, every time.
We see patients by appointment and the easiest way to make appointments is for the patient to call ADT directly.
Call us at (781) 438-6110 to schedule your appointment
Appointments are available between 10:00 am and 3:00 pm, Monday through Friday
85 Maple Street, 2nd floor
Stoneham, MA 02180